We can experience the full life He intends for us when we’re connected to Him and others. We encourage every individual to get connected into a Life Group and not do life alone. Life Groups are the heartbeat of our church and provide a place for you to connect with others, develop friendships, and grow in our relationships with Jesus.
We’re excited about our Life Groups coming this Fall! We would love to have you join us leading, co-leading or hosting a group. Leading a Life Group is not about perfection, It’s about having the desire to help others find community and grow in their relationship with God.
If you’re ready to take your next step and want to know more about leading/hosting a group, please complete the interest form by clicking on the button below.
You’ve probably seen Life Groups meeting and not even realized it. A Life Group looks like friends at lunch, teams playing basketball, or people studying a book or topic of interest.
Life Groups meet online, or in places like homes, parks, restaurants, coffee shops and office buildings. The leader of the group selects a meeting spot that best fits the purpose of the group. Life Groups happen throughout the area.
The truth is, not everyone will find the best fit with the first group they try. This is why we encourage you to select a few groups that interest you, contact the leaders and try out a couple different groups before choosing the best one for you. The simple strategy to finding success in a group is to not give up. We believe there is a group that is right for everyone — including you!
Our Life Groups meet for three semesters a year – Spring, Summer and Fall. During the semester, most groups meet once a week, twice a week, or monthly. Life Groups are meant to bring meaning and community into the flow of your life so even if you can’t attend every single meeting there is still great value in joining a group.
Childcare varies from group to group. When you search our directory for a group, the group profile will indicate if childcare is available.
Most Life Groups meet for a semester. This way, new people can join groups easily and regularly. Also, the semester format allows you to try multiple groups each year. As relationships form, some groups choose to stay together for consecutive semesters, but new members are always welcome.
For further questions about Life Groups please email